Oral Cancer Screening

Oral Cancer Screening

“Every five hours, someone dies from mouth cancer in the UK.”

The number of mouth cancer cases has increased by 30% in the last 10 years and carries a mortality rate of 50%, yet despite these alarming statistics, only 1 in 4 people have ever heard of the disease.

“People need to be more aware of mouth cancer and the associated symptoms, such as ulcers that don’t heal and red or white patches in the mouth. Sounds simple, but this information could save a person’s life.”

At the Mint Dental Centre, all our patients receive routine Velscope oral cancer screening. The Dental Healthcare Centre was one of the first practices in the area to start using this exciting, state-of-the-art piece of equipment.

Oral Cancer Screening

During routine examination, your dentist will check the inside of your mouth, face, and neck for abnormalities. Early detection and treatment of oral cancer improve the chances of cure.

Mouth cancer can appear as;
•  An ulcer that fails to heal after about 2 weeks
•  A white or red patch in the mouth
•  An abnormal growth or swelling

Most things like this will not be cancer but must be investigated. Risks associated with oral cancer include tobacco (smoked or chewed), alcohol, prolonged exposure to sunlight and poor diet.

What are the benefits?
•  Regular examination allows your dentist to spot any problems early and refer.

More on mouth cancer.